Seddon Park Velodrome: Track Etiquette

No walking on the track. Do not cross the track, use the tunnel access.

Helmets must be worn at all times whilst riding – including the track centre.

Foul or abusive language by riders or support personnel will not be tolerated.

The number of riders on the track shall in no case exceed 24 (or 18 teams for Madison). (UCI regulation 3.1.009).

Enter the track on the back straight only, as per arrows in the track centre.

Exit the track on the home straight only, as per arrows in the track centre.

Keep your speed up. if you ride too slowly your rear wheel will slide and you will fall off the track!

Do not exit the track at high speed

In warm-ups, slower riders should ride above the blue line with faster riders riding below the line. The sprinters’ lane is reserved for fast-riding.

It is the responsibility of the faster rider to pass slow riders. Slow riders are responsible for riding straight allowing faster riders to pass predictably – maintain a straight, consistent line.

Please shoulder check/signal (hand) before changing lines on the track, especially if you are pulling up to the rail. As you approach a slower rider with their head turned in the direction you want to pass, sound off with the command “STICK” in order to keep the slower rider from moving into your passing line. If you hear riders shout “STICK”, continue to ride straight or correct your line to ride parallel to the black line.

If you are practising standing starts, alert everyone on the track.

Be aware of all riders on the track and show consideration for others’ safety.